Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Bisantara Informatics Journal is committed to ensuring the highest standards of quality and integrity in the peer review process. The journal follows a rigorous peer review process that involves both internal and external reviewers. The steps are outlined as follows:

  1. Initial Editorial Review: The editors will review the submitted manuscript by the author(s), assessing its suitability within the journal's scope and adherence to the journal template. During this stage, the editor communicates with the author(s) to determine whether the manuscript is eligible for further review or rejection.

  2. External Double-Blind Review: Manuscripts that successfully pass the initial editorial review will be assigned at least two or three reviewers. The review process employs a double-blind methodology to ensure impartial evaluation.

  3. Review Criteria: The review process evaluates manuscripts based on criteria such as novelty, objectivity, methods, scientific impact, conclusions, and references.

  4. Reviewer Recommendations: Reviewers provide constructive feedback, suggesting improvements, and making recommendations to accept or reject the articles.

  5. Editorial Decision: The handling editor considers the peer reviewers' comments and recommendations when making a final decision on the manuscript. The final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript is made by the editor, taking into account the reviewers' recommendations.

  6. Editor's Decision: The editor's decision to accept, invite resubmission with changes, or reject the manuscript is final. This completes the double-blind peer review process. Accepted manuscripts are then sent for copyediting and publication. Rejected manuscripts can be resubmitted after substantial revision, but will go through the full double-blind peer review process again.